Ginger is a spice plant Zingiberofficinale which are found in Asia and Africa for a long period of time . It has been used as a medicinal herb essential in East Africa and India . In the fourth century , the ancient Chinese used ginger as a treatment aid for nausea , diarrhea , stomach - ache and toothache Although the composition varies with species , variety , agronomic effects , estimates of important natural compounds are listed as follows . Fresh ginger naturally contains 81 % water content , carbohydrate 12.4 % 2.3 % protein , 0.91 % fat , 1.19 % minerals and 2.4 % fiber content . Calcium, iron and phosphorus are several important minerals . Also , spices are rich in Vitamin different contents such as Niacin and vitamin C , thiamine and riboflavin . Here are five health benefits of ginger :
1 . It is widely used to prevent motion sickness caused by microbial agents called hyperemesisgravidarum . Patients who took one gram of powder in the food and liquid form can easily recover from a hangover than patients who rely on medications such as Dramamine tablets . Compared with the free drug , side effects are not significant in the abdominal organs that strength is the first priority in the prevention of nausea related diseases .
2 . It is applied in cases of digestive disorder in which the heart burn , indigestion and gas is the main symptoms.It revive parts of the digestive infected without opening an additional way to another diseases.In addition to this , most digestive disorders such as digestive problems requiring treatment continuously reinforced with natural herbs . This is because ginger involves the process of re - ordering of disorder using a special compound .
3 . Because of strong anti - inflammatory effects of ginger , it inhibits the development of inflammatory reactions that produce leukotrienes , infection and the development of asthma and allergies Arthritis . Also , Prostaglandin natural content inhibited by anti - microbial and anti - inflammatory .
4 . It can prevent thromboxane synthesis and platelet aggregation in vitro -oriented . During this process , does not result in health disorders during lactation , pregnancy , and childhood that is widely referred to as GRAS means ' generally recognized as safe ' . It can also be used to treat heart problems and liver , microbial disorders , hematologic and rheumatologic disease , difficulty Neuropsychiatric and endocrine , immune modulation , Antioxidant and Anti- neoplastic and last but not least is prevention diaphoretic effect .
5 . Several years ago , the medical investigation shows that consuming powdered during migraine aura symptoms to 4 days in a 4 hour gap can provide relief from migraine attacks . In addition to this , recent medical research has proven that this herb can prevent the spread of breast cancer by inhibiting the growth of cancer cells cause in the human body .
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